GTS team members have worked on projects of all sizes in the United States and internationally. We advise public, private, and institutional clients. Our projects have varied in scope, from driveway access studies to master-planned communities and everything in between.
Our work ranges from concept-level planning and strategies to detailed design with construction support.

As part of a commercial development project, GTS led the street lighting, signal modifications, and signing and striping design services for this project, which included various off-site improvements such as striping bicycle lanes along Washington Blvd. The street lighting included relocations, LED upgrades, construction support, and coordination on foundation design and utility conflicts.

As part of the B-permit, GTS prepared a new traffic signal design and modification plans. The plans depict all proposed and existing traffic signal equipment and loop detectors as well as proposed and existing traffic signal conduits, pull boxes, interconnect/video fiber, splice boxes, loop detectors, service feed, and proposed traffic signal phasing. GTS also prepared signing and striping and street lighting designs as part of this project.
Sun Valley Traffic Signal Design and Modifications, Los Angeles, CA

As part of the conditions of approval of a development project, GTS assisted the project architect with the signing and striping design along Red Hill Ave. in the City of Irvine. Timely approval of the project was ensured by utilizing the City’s web-based platform for planning and building applications.
Washington Blvd. Signing, Striping, and Street Lighting, Culver City, CA
Red Hill Ave. Signing and Striping Design, Irvine, CA

GTS prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) of this commercial development to evaluate the traffic and circulation impacts of the proposed project. GTS assessed the project study area conditions, project and background traffic, and opening year conditions. We proposed mitigation measures and addressed the City’s condition for limiting site access to one direction only.
Nature’s Medicines Traffic Impact Analysis, Moreno Valley, CA

The Seneca Villas project in the City of Victorville proposed the development of 310 multifamily houses. GTS analyzed the vehicle miles traveled and calculated the VMT per capita to assess the project impact for the opening and the horizon years. Our analysis showed that the project does not have any significant impacts based on the City’s thresholds, leading to timely approval of the project.
Seneca Villas Residential Development, Victorville, CA

GTS carried out the vehicle miles traveled analysis for the proposed industrial park in the City of Palmdale. The first phase of this two-phase development consisted of approximately 234,660 SF and the second phase was approximately 409,480 SF. Our analysis showed no project impacts and we worked with the City to obtain a timely approval of our findings.
Rancho Vista Industrial Park, Palmdale, CA

As part of the conditions of approval of a proposed residential development, GTS carried out the signal design, signing and striping, and streetlight design services. The scope of work consisted of designing a new traffic signal at the intersection, replacing the overhead-fed streetlights and undergrounding power feeds, and installing a new underground-fed streetlight.
Arlington and Lincoln Street Lighting Design, Torrance, CA

As part of the City’s CEQA on-call, GTS conducted a peer review of the Traffic Impact Study of the Everett Street Terraces project. The TIS was evaluated in accordance with the City’s criteria and standards, as well as industry standards set forth by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the Highway Capacity Manual, and other applicable entities.