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GTS team members have worked on projects of all sizes in the United States and internationally. We advise public, private, and institutional clients. Our projects have varied in scope, from driveway access studies to master-planned communities and everything in between.

Our work ranges from concept-level planning and strategies to detailed design with construction support.

California - Figueroa St. and Victoria St. - Traffic Signal Design

GTS carried out various safety, operational, and accessibility upgrades as part of this design. This project will provide protected left-turn-signal phases, safety improvements, and ADA-compliant curb ramp design. The design services included coordination with the City of Los Angeles and Caltrans for funding administration purposes.

California - Alpine St., Vernon Dr., and Palm Ave. - Street Lighting

GTS prepared construction plans, specifications, and estimates for removal of existing street lights and replacement with new concrete poles, mast arms and luminaires. The project included voltage drop electrical calculations, conduit fill, proper lighting circuits, conduit routing, breakers, lighting controls and groundings, electrical notes and diagrams on the design plans, and SCE coordination.

Traffic Signal Design of Figueroa St. and Victoria St./190th St., Carson, CA

California - Burbank Resurfacing Program - Signing and Striping Restoration and Loop Replacement Plans

GTS supported the City of Burbank with a resurfacing program for over 22 roadway miles. The striping restoration utilized as-built and roadway rehabilitation plans and included field reviews for lane widths, locations of speed bumps, fire hydrants, bike lanes, and crosswalks. GTS also prepared the loop restoration for 18 signalized intersections that were impacted by the road rehabilitation.

Burbank Resurfacing Program - Signing and Striping Restoration and Loop Replacement Plans

California - City of San Bernardino - Traffic Signal Upgrade PS&E Services

GTS provided traffic engineering signal upgrade services for 40 of the 224 signalized intersections in the City of San Bernardino, where various safety, operational, and accessibility upgrades are required. This project included traffic signal head improvements, pedestrian signal head improvements, and pedestrian push-button improvements, among others.

City of San Bernardino, Traffic Signal Upgrade PS&E Services  

California - City of Carson Dominguez - Channel Bicycle Trail Design

GTS provided traffic engineering design services for Phase I and Phase II of this trail design project. Our services included supporting the conceptual design elements of the project as well as the design development to produce the final plans, specifications, and estimates. The design is geared to address safety, operational, and accessibility considerations, with a special focus on vulnerable modes of transportation.

Alpine St., Vernon Dr., and Palm Ave. Street Lighting, Upland, CA

California - City of West Hollywood - Melrose Complete Street Communications and EV Charging Stations Design

As part of this complete streets project, GTS provided communications and EV charging station design services. The project included installing conduits, 432 strands of fiber, inner duct products for future expansion, pull boxes, splice vaults, and distribution cabinets. The project tied into the data center at City Hall and the existing network to create a resilient fiber loop, connecting to all traffic cabinets, bus shelters, light poles, and smart poles that will be used for Wi-Fi access and other Smart City applications.

Melrose Complete Street Communications and EV Charging Stations Design, City of West Hollywood 

California - City of Hermosa Beach - Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering On-Call

GTS provides transportation planning and traffic engineering on-call services to the City of Hermosa Beach. We assisted the City in its COVID-19 relief efforts to support small businesses by providing more than 20 parklet designs for outdoor dining. GTS produced plans, specifications. and estimates for road dieting and installing Class II bicycle facilities in the downtown area. 

City of Hermosa Beach Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering On-Call

California - Santa Monica 20th Street - Connection

GTS carried out the traffic engineering tasks for this project that closed a key bike and pedestrian network gap and serves as the critical linkage between the Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (MANGo) and Bergamot Expo Station. GTS worked closely with Caltrans and the City on developing and testing various alternatives that were acceptable to both agencies.

City of Carson Dominguez Channel Bicycle Trail Design

 California - City of Pomona - Emergency Shelter Parking Lot Lighting and EV Charging Stations Design

GTS prepared the lighting and electric vehicle (EV) charging plans, specifications, and estimates for this project. To this end, we undertook site investigations, background data gathering, photometric analysis, and coordination with adjacent developments, landscape architects, and City leadership. GTS also designed the power and communications infrastructure for the security system.

Santa Monica 20th Street Connection 


GTS provided traffic engineering signal upgrade services for the signalized intersection of Figueroa St. and Victoria St. / 190th St. in the City of Carson. GTS carried out various safety, operational, and accessibility upgrades as part of this design.

This HSIP-funded project will provide protected left-turn-signal phases at all legs of the subject intersection, safety improvements for road users and pedestrians, and ADA-compliant curb ramp design. The design services included coordination with the City of Los Angeles (which has shared jurisdiction at the intersection) as well as with Caltrans for funding administration purposes.

Emergency Shelter Parking Lot Lighting and EV Charging Stations Design, City of Pomona 

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